Mom’s the Word

None of us is unaware of the importance of a mother’s role in our lives. While some of us are blessed enough to cherish each and every moment in the grace of our mother, there are some who have had to bid adieu to their divine angels at some point in their lifetime. This anthology is that Garden of Eden where the reader will relish some of the most exotic fruits ever. It is also a lagoon where you choose to take a dive and explore such bountiful treasures only to come to surface like an expert scuba-diver. It is that silver lining smiling from the darkest cloud when we choose to just focus on the enveloping grey and bury ourselves in an abys of despair notable to find a way out.

Just like the universality in the concept of motherhood, Mom’s the Word has recorded the voice and sentiments from writers from not just India but from the other side of the hemisphere as well.Read about ‘a stoical’ personality straight from the USA and you will know what I am trying to suggest. When you have a nine year old paying a lovely tribute to her mother with her brilliantly expressed poem, your scrutinizing mind rises above observing any error in language,grammar and structure.Mothers understand the most distorted languages of not just their own children but of every child across the world.


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