Dating After Death – A Bilingual Anthology

Dating after Death’ is the first ever Bilingual Anthology of The Impish Lass Publishing House.  It strings together intriguing tales of Dream Dates that remained unfulfilled in the writers’ earthly sojourns. These tales are sure to captivate you and  transport you to a transcendental world  beyond the confines of the globe.
– Shubha Sagar
“प्रयाण के बाद प्रणय” सिर्फ़ एक द्विभाषीय किताब नहीं है बल्कि जीवन के अधूरे छूटे अध्यायों को पूरा करता एक महाकाव्य है।
– रचना कुलश्रेष्ठ

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