The Young Bards’, is a literary project that aims to develop in the young minds a revived interest in arts and literature. As per today’s trend of education, the focus is completely on science and technology. Whether it’s at home or school, the attention rendered in burgeoning the skills, especially in subjects related to humanities among students is considerably less. It is only after growing up; most individuals discover their natural inclination towards these subjects. Moreover, with the current technological trends, social media, YouTube and video games, book reading is almost a dying art. Most youngsters today prefer to spend their free time either with the cell phone or watching TV than reading a good book or spending some time in the library. What suffers because of this is the proper development of our emotional and creative mind.
Arts and literature have a deep impact on the process of human development. Apart from its aesthetic appeal, it has an indelible impact on our foundation, perception, moral sense, in developing our imagination, creative aptitude and so on. From a pictorial book to nursery rhymes, fables and fairy tales, we begin our journey of life with literature. It is language that allows us to express and reason with life. In other words, literature is a gateway to life – poems, stories, essays, novels – each genre allows us to experience and relive the moments that have touched the hearts of many. A sad story or a human tragedy appeals to us. A joyful poem shows us the beauty of life. However, for reasons whatsoever, the space of literature is lost in the vicinity of technology. We might not feel the impact of this loss immediately but it will be very much evident when we grow up as an individual who is nothing better than an intellectual machine or Human AI.
Keeping all these key points in mind, Ms. Meena Mishra, a national award-winning poet, author, social worker, an educator and the CEO of The Impish Lass Publishing House , Mumbai, has come up with the idea of ‘The Young Bards,’ a project that allows teachers and students alike to rekindle their love for literature and play with their imagination. The project has been thoughtfully designed, especially for the young and developing minds so that they can comprehend their creative skills at an early age.
Keeping this in mind Mayoor Private School- Abu Dhabi was sent an invitation and they successfully became a part of The Young Bards -2.